This is ALLLLLL great thinking!

I'm so thankful to have some input as it's making me reframe the workshop.

Sounds as though I should focus the conversation on what we are doing now to support our communities rather than getting too far ahead to what opening up our events will look like.

I'm not in a position to create a panel of experts and I don't think there are any experts that can tell us right now about the technical-health related 'hows' of opening up.  

I am personally interested in talking about how to attract people back to our dances once they open up again but maybe that be left for now, or be a side discussion.

Thanks for all the helpful thoughts!

On Tue, Jan 12, 2021 at 1:10 PM <> wrote:
A UGA business school presentation about a month ago forecast being able to resume full social activities by mid-summer 2021 and a concurrent economic recovery for GA. They predicated a good bit of their forecast on a 1.5T COVID relief bill which didn’t happen. In that same time frame of a few weeks ago I heard an epidemiologist predict late 2021 to early 2022 based on vaccinations. I don’t know where rose tinted glasses end and immunity from a large percentage of our population getting immunity from having had it begins (with concurrent deaths).

I appreciated doctors and scientists on prior presentations.

My bias is it is too early to start talking about when we can have dances again. On the other hand, my wife, Jennifer, is eager to start these discussions.

B’ham announced their weekend dance ... 3rd weekend August.


January 12, 2021 11:21 AM, "Emily Addison via Organizers" <> wrote:
Hi fellow organizers,
I hope folks are doing fairly well. These are certainly interesting times.
Given that some of you attend the annual organizer discussion at the Dance Flurry, I wanted to check in about the focus of this year's session.
I've drafted a description for the session (see below). Do you have any thoughts? I feel as though February might be good time to start talking about how to restart our dance events, even if we don't know when. (The vaccine rollout is giving me a tentative hopeful feeling that gatherings might start in within the next year.)
Any advice/thoughts are welcome including alternative topics. The only topic I'm wary of tackling are those that relate to when dances should open as I'm not a health expert and we won't be bringing in health experts to be part of the discussion.
Organizers Unite - Talking about the HOW of restarting our events!
Join our annual Flurry organizers discussion for a unique focus this year... talking about the HOW of restarting our events. Share your thoughts and ideas about how your community plans to restart dancing, re-engage long standing dancers, and attract new participants.
(We won't focus much on the WHEN of reopening as those decisions depend highlighly on the pandemic and professional health advice.)