Out here in remote Coos Bay Oregon we have experienced the decline starting last year.
It’s very interesting to hear it’s not just us!
We are taking these steps:
1. Found a less expensive venue.
2. Moved the dance into town, instead of the rural grange location.
3. Calling members to identify issues.
4. Collaborating with other community groups to attend.
Last Saturday night, at the request of a local community oriented non-profit group, we
held a free dance to “celebrate” our community & have fun. It brought out almost twice
as many dancers, many first timers. But after an hour 1/3 of those folks left, and by the
break, half of the remaining group went home. We finished with the core group of die-hards
who always stay to the end.
We’re about to finish collecting our information from our telephone calls to the
membership so we can analyze our results and make adjustments.
We produce a regular Celtic Festival once a year, which provides the money to offset our
losses. Our dance has never been a big money maker.