Hey fellow organizers,

I know some of us struggle with getting more organizers on our team. (We're currently looking for more folks to help with outreach/promotion here in Ottawa!)

Just wanted to share a quick strategy relating to the CDSS Shop Talk that I sent out a few minutes ago.

I've posted info about Shop Talk as well as this list, the CDSS organizers resource portal and the FB group for organizers on our local dance community facebook group.  I thought that a quick 'we can always use more help' and 'check out these cool resources' might set the seed in some dancers' minds.. ... ... even just making them aware of the broader conversations is worth it.

I don't know how much merit there is in this idea but I just wanted to share in case you liked it.  I've included my post info below. (I made an initial post and then followed up with a few comments underneath.)

Emily in Ottawa
A plug for those of you who might be interested in helping organize our dances... ... ... we can always use more help!
A neat way to catch the bug is by watching (and even participating) in some conversations that happen around organizing. As part of this, you might might want to sign up for Shop Talk - it's CDSS's free quarterly e-blast for organizers.
Here's a link to the May issue that just came out yesterday:
In the issue....
  • Heads up regarding an article in the upcoming June CDSS News which outlines how to easily plan organizer discussions.
  • Announcing the CDSS Web Chat: Building Safe Dance Communities which is happening on July 11th
  • CDSS Scholarships still available for camp sessions!
  • News about an exciting collaboration among organizer, caller, and musician listservs
  • A survey for Open Bands to support resource development.
  • Heads up regarding the upcoming CDSS Group Affiliates survey
  • A call for volunteers interested in developing organizer resources.
  • Join CDSS as an affiliate and individual member to help make resources and supports like these possible!
And here are three other great links.. 
 There's a FB group for contra dance organizers: https://www.facebook.com/groups/111126912393768/
There's an email listserv for organizers at Shared Weight https://www.sharedweight.net/index.php?pagestate=org_about 
 And the Country Dance and Song Society has a big collection of resources for organizers here: https://www.cdss.org/resources/how-to/organizers

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