Totally agree. Life happens good/bad and sometimes organizers (and performers also!)
need/want to swap things. Being transparent often leads to good results.
DonnaEmail: dhuntdancer(a)
Cell: 215-565-6050
On Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 08:40:56 AM EDT, Kimbi Hagen via Organizers
<organizers(a)> wrote:
I totally agree with Chloe. I’ve been in this exact situation more than once before and
it was fine. The key is simply to be transparent and equitable. I.e., just make sure your
local band knows two things: that this is only an attempt to take advantage of an unusual
opportunity, so they don’t assume you are doing it because you like the other band
“better,” and that you will ensure they still end up with the same number of gigs for the
month/quarter/year as any other band in your local rotation, so they don’t feel short
changed or taken for granted.
Sent from my "Smart" Phone(so please excuse bizarre and nonsensical
On Oct 10, 2023, at 8:07 AM, Chloe Maryam Mohr via Organizers
<organizers(a)> wrote:
Hi Mary,
I think it's fine to ask them so long as you are able to swap them to another date.
People end up trading around dates for all kinds of reasons.
Just my opinion, though.
ChloeLocal band booking for PATMAD contra in Philadelphia
On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 7:42 AM Mary Collins via Organizers
<organizers(a)> wrote:
Hey all,
I have a bit of a quandary. I just found out two incredible contra musicians will be in my
area. They will be here the day after our local dance. I have a small quasi local band
booked already.
Here is the question - is it ethical to ask booked band to change their date (they play a
lot in our dance) IF visiting musicians are available & willing?
Thanks in advance,Mary (Buffalo)_______________________________________________
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