Dear Shared Weight Organizers List,


I know the list has been fairly quiet over the last year and while this isn't a direct question posed to get conversation starts, it's directly applicable for some of you and many of the rest of you are likely to find it interesting.


Please note --- the survey below is targeted towards CANADIAN organizers of trad events!

The Country Dance and Song Society (CDSS) *wants to hear from you* as we look at how to best support *local organizers* of traditional dance music and song throughout Canada. We see local organizers like you as key to creating the vibrant and thriving traditional dance, music and song scenes we all care about!

We are running a survey of local organizers until November 17th. The goal of the survey is to learn: What are you organizing? What successes are you having? What challenges do you face? What immediate needs do you have? What ideas have you thought of for growing your community/activities? What supports would help you in the work that you do?

Whether you are involved in PEI fiddling, NFLD traditional song, Metis step dancing, or other (as there are so many!) each tradition is culturally significant.  They reflect the shared values and heritage of that community and help to define a sense of identity and belonging for individuals.

Yet despite the diversity, there is much commonality in the organizational requirements across traditions.  For instance, organizers of a Cape Breton traditional square dance, contra dance in British Columbia, and les danses folkloique Québécoises often do similar work, share similar challenges and could benefit from similar supports. By sharing with each other, we create more vibrant and resilient communities for all.


By participating in the survey, you are not only informing CDSS on what we can do to support organizers throughout the country, but also other umbrella arts organizations and the Canada Council for the Arts with whom we will be sharing the findings.  We will work to take action on common interests that arise from the survey, some in partnership with other umbrella organizations and many of which would be free or at little cost. We will also look at ways to address various particular interests where we can.  (As a participant, you will be emailed a copy of the findings.)


Complete the online survey by Thursday, November 17th. It will take 15-20 minutes.


We hope that multiple organizers from the same group will participate.  Also - please share with other local organizers in your area. As you know, connections within our traditions are often by word-of-mouth!

More information about the survey and larger project is available below.

We look forward to hearing from you,
Emily Addison (pourparler list member) and also Sarah Pilzer
The CDSS Canadian Initiative



Who is an organizer ... for the purpose of this survey?
For the purpose of this survey, an organizer is anyone involved in making a traditional dance, music, or song event, activity, or community happen. The activities vary widely from house concerts to dances, folk clubs, song circles, group lessons, jam sessions, festivals, etc. Organizers can be volunteers OR paid, single individuals OR committees, part of a non-profit OR commercial business, new OR experienced, run one-off-events OR ongoing series - you name it!

What traditions are included ... for the purpose of this survey?
CDSS' core focus has been on traditions that have evolved in N America and/or those with English roots.  For example, traditional square dancing from places like Cape Breton and Quebec fit well having evolved in N America.  Think everything from morris teams, traditional song circles, old-time music jam sessions, step-dancing traditions from all over, folk clubs that present traditional music concerts, etc. AND - we are still very much interested in hearing and supporting the wider trad scene.  Thus, if organizers involved in trad activities such as Irish set dancing, scandinavian jam sessions, or international folk want to participate, please do!

Who is CDSS?

CDSS has been a leader and partner of traditional dance, music, and song across North America for over a century.  We provide services to members as well as the wider traditional dance, music and song community in Canada.  If you're interested in knowing more, visit