Hi Mac,
Where do you get grants from?
What type of grants?

On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 12:44 PM Mac Mckeever via Organizers <organizers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
Both of our dance weekends and our NYE dance provide nice profits to help our weekly events
Several times a year dances will sponsor a dance for a special occasion - which, iin effect, costs us money - they cover all the expenses and everyone gets in free - but they are usually on dates where the dance would have provided a profit
We got grants for 25 years - but they cut us off this year - will try again and other grant possibilities.  From discussion on the grant review - I may need to change the way I describe our mission.  We look like all the other dance clubs to the reviewers - so I am going to try stating our mission is community building using historic dance as the tool to accomplish that - it lets me say a whole lot of unique and positive things

Mac McKeever
St Louis

On Tuesday, December 4, 2018, 10:24:36 AM CST, Emily Addison via Organizers <organizers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

Hi fellow shared weight organizers :)

Wearing my CDSS hat, I'm wondering ----> Does your dance have sources of revenue BEYOND the door entry price???

A few great ideas were shared at the October CDSS Executive community meeting in Toronto and we're looking for more! Do you have successful experience with:
  • sponsorships (individual/company/other)
  • grants
  • donations (collected at the dance OR one-off/ongoing donor programs)
  • other fundraising (e.g., pie/cake sales anyone?)
  • membership
  • merch … that make money?
  • special events … that make money?
  • other?
I'm pulling together a curated collection of success stories on this subject for CDSS that will then be shared back out early in the new year. I would love to hear your ideas and if you know of someone I should talk to about this, please let me know. 

PS -  I asked shared weight about posters/flyers last month and so wanted to update you that that collection will be available in January.  I'm just waiting on a few more contributions.
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