Flyers for an event weekend/week is a different kind of thing from regular open events. But for both:
   It really depends on the demographics of your target and current audiences. You gotta be where they look.
I'll repeat:  You gotta be where they look.
Where do they look?

I'd always had a policy of sending info through multiple various channels, including paper mail, email, and txt msgs. Some of our dancers are paper mail only, and they pick up flyers at the desk. Others are digital-only, and there is a sign-up list to get email notifications/reminders. For weekend/weeklong events, we mailed paper flyers/brochures to dance managers across the country hoping that they'd put them out on tables at local dances.


A QR-code at the dance sign-in/pay front desk that lands on your org welcoming page is a great thing to do. Plaster that sucker everywhere. Make sure that the landing page is attractive, and at most one click to get to the Meat Of The Matter without scrolling (painful on a phone).  We're trying to get there on our own org website.

We have dancers who depend on those paper flyers / calendars to post on their fridge at home. The formula for "When are the dances near me?" i.e. generic calendar is crucial. Make it easy for non-digital people to carve out their 2nd Thursday or whatever.  Have some paper on the table, even if most attendees don't take it. We also have dancers who never even look at the table of printed flyers, assuming that they will receive some electronic notification of the event. NOTE: the "generic" calendar is important for people who don't come often enough to pick up one at the door; don't leave them out!

That, of course, requires an online presence which is kept up to date. Surely there are many volunteers eager to make sure that the web site is up-to-the-minute accurate! [painfully removing tongue from cheek]

Many (most?) of our younger dancers don't deal with paper at all, so printed QR codes at the sign-in desk might be good. Sadly, we're experiencing a growing number of those things (admission payment, mailing list, yada) and keeping them separated for camera view is a problem for some ... "Semi-Techies" ... I want to say something else...this is long enough