The Lady/Raven/Right-hand person (“follow” is a completely wrong term in contra - let me
know if you want my essay on that! :-) ) should support ALL of their own weight.
I do NOT want to share your weight!
Each person should be perfectly balanced. The thing you share is your reaction to
centrifugal force - you counterbalance each other by a good connection so that you don’t
fly apart.
I’m not convinced that putting a hand on my back is going to prevent clamping. Far better
to teach both parties not to clamp, hang, grip, pull, squeeze or anything else that could
hurt the other person. I always start every swing workshop by saying that the best thing
most people can do to improve their swing is to relax. Then I ask them to take a ballroom
hold and let their partner know if they are feeling any unwarranted pressure anywhere.
The man PLACES his hand on the lady’s shoulder blade and you are connected. The only
thing anyone should use any muscles for after that is to counteract centrifugal force.
I fully agree about shoulder problems. I have had two shoulder operations so far… :-(
Happy dancing,
John Sweeney, Dancer, England john(a) 01233 625 362 & 07802 940 574 for Live Music Ceilidhs for Dancing in Kent for Modern Jive DVDs
From: bobfab(a) <bobfab(a)>
Sent: 19 June 2019 11:59
To: john(a); organizers(a)
Subject: Re: [Organizers] Tips for a swing workshop
Hand on back of shoulder prevents the dreaded elbow clamp,
And reinforces that the follow needs to support SOME of their own weight.
Both of those issues have caused me shoulder problems.