Thanks much for the replies. It is helping me get a handle on the
finer points of playing for dances. We're not in the hot-bed of contra
up here (to put it mildly) and appreciate hearing from those who are
doing. We like doing the best we can even if it's not a big dance. But
sometimes it's hard to sort through all the "rules" to decide what to
focus on first.
Right now our tune list is too short (18) to do much other than
choose one and go, and the small dance we're playing for doesn't
require much else. But we're thinking ahead and beyond, and I like
considering how a particular tune works with a particular dance or type
of dance. I'm going to enjoy watching how the tune(s) affect the
dancers. As a guitarist and since we're playing single sets (medleys
will have to wait), I usually have ample opportunity for this :-)
However, it is a relief to hear one doesn't have to decipher each dance
and tune to have them work.
Of course, this is all for naught if we can't convince the
teacher/caller to call to the music and start the dancers when we start
the tune (she's coming from a southern squares? background I think).
But our melody musicians are working on really strong potatoes for this
coming dance to help it happen.
Northern Cheers,