· Some people are busy and have other commitments (family, other hobbies, etc) while others will make contra a priority over everything else.
o CONSIDER: Is there a way to encourage contra being a 'habit' for more people? (Rather than a choice thing on the night, they are just in the habit)
· Weather is an issue, both winter travel as well as it being too hot
o CONSIDER:: Is there a way to make the hall cooler for all dances? Some people feel it's too hot sometimes so will decide not to come. (Comes up in other questions)
· Some people have no one to come with (both carpooling but ALSO *getting out the door*
o CONSIDER: How could we have a buddy system or something to help some people get out of their house and to the dance hall?
· Other people are travelling out of town, are tired after a long day, or have health issues
o Keep evening prices as is or even alt options for people who can't/don't want to pay that much
o Double events draw people from out of town, keep
o Clarify if price to get in changes throughout the evening (someone quoting me (Emily) and I have no recollection)
o Maintain community, fun, family, smiling faces atmosphere
o Continue careful effort in programming of callers/bands. (multiple comments on bands rather than callers!)
· Majority of respondents said that they would have to prioritize dancing over other commitments if they were to come more.
o CONSIDER: How to encourage that prioritize dance above?
o CONSIDER: Make more family-friendly so don't have to priority family over dance or vs.
· Some of our dancers are getting older the point where hard to dance (e.g., hip replacements etc)
· For beginners
o CONSIDER: " practice sessions (with music) for beginners because its really embarrassing when you mess up the whole line and have difficulty catching up. Although the ambiance is welcoming and friendly, some people are very impatient with beginners. The 30 min prior to the evening dance is not sufficient and not representative of the actual dance moves with music playing."
o Keep evening prices as is or even alt options for people who can't/don't want to pay that much AND/OR volunteering options in lieu for getting in. (One dancer compairing to other styles of dance and how this more expensive… maybe we could communicate why better????)
o Carpooling options (we've tried in the past, maybe a better way to set this up?)
o Venue could use a bit of work
o Make sure we sent out reminders
o Find ways to support people in having a social circle to go out to the dance with (e.g. buddy system)
o Again, ensuring that the hall is always cooler (it being a reason some dancers stay away sometimes… … maybe also a reason why some new people don't come back?)
o Better directions + info on parking
o Make sure atmosphere is welcoming
=====ALL QUESTIONS==============
2014 Ottawa Contra Dance Survey. 1
Q1: How long have you been contra dancing?. 2
SECTION 1: Saturday Night Dances. 3
Q2: How many Saturday dances did you attend this season?. 3
Q3: What do you like best about the Saturday night dances?. 3
Q5: If you don't come that often, what would need to change for you to attend more regularly?. 5
SECTION 2: Tuesday Night Dances. 7
Q6: Are your familiar with our Tuesday night dances?. 7
Q7: How many Tuesday contra dances did you attend this year?. 7
Q8: If you have never been to a Tuesday night dance, why is that?. 7
Q9: If you have been to a Tuesday night dance but don't come regularly, why is that?. 8
SECTION 3: Workshops and Special Events. 8
Q10: Which Saturday workshops did you attend this year?. 8
Q11: Is there anything we could improve about the workshops?. 9
Q12: What topics for workshops would you like to see next year?. 10
Q13: Any suggestions for other special events next year?. 11
SECTION 4: Dance Community. 13
Q14: How important is it to you to feel that you are part of the dance community?. 13
Q15: Were you a member of Ottawa Contra/The Old Sod Society this year?. 13
Q16: How often did you volunteer?. 13
Q17: What would make you feel more included in the dance community?. 14
Q18: What would make it easier/more likely for you to volunteer?. 14
SECTION 5: New Dancers and Dance Numbers. 16
Q19: How welcoming is our dance community to newcomers?. 16
Q20: Have your heard or seen anything that might deter newcomers from returning?. 16
Q21: What we can do better to welcome newcomers and encourage them to come back as regulars?. 19
Q24: Comments about the social media tools listed above? Then them here: 24
Q27: In what neighbourhood/town do you live (e.g. Sandy Hill; Westboro; Kanata; Perth)?. 25
Good questions, Merry. We ask first-time dancers for their emails as part of getting a pass to get in free the second time. We could either survey all of them, or only the ones who didn't use their free pass. For people who used to come regularly, I assume some people know their names and if they are members we have contact information. Can't get everyone. Other ideas? Carol's suggestion is a good one, since a number of English dancers started as contra dancers in NYC.Thanks.DavidOn Thu, May 7, 2015 at 8:33 PM, Merry <merrykays@yahoo.com> wrote:How do you survey people who have come only once, or who used to dance frequently and now do not? How do you identify them? How do you contact them. And finally, if they don,t come to your dance, how do you motivate them to respond to your survey?
On May 7, 2015, at 7:49 PM, David Chandler via Organizers <organizers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:This has been a difficult year for English dancing in NYC, with lots of people not dancing because of disability, weather, etc. We are looking for ways to get more dancers to come and join our community on a continuing basis, and want to survey dancers (those who came only once, those who came for a while and dropped out, and long-timers) about what might make dancing more attractive. Rather than reinvent the wheel we wondered if any other communities have done such surveys, and/or found good ways to expand their English dancing community. Thanks for your help!I'll post this separately on ECD.David Chandler_______________________________________________
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