Hi Keith,

Thanks so much for this!  I had no idea about the plain text campaign options... have started to dig a bit deeper this morning!!!

I think our outreach committee probably varies on opinion regarding the look of our emails, but I think there's a balance there in terms of having something look like a professional campaign vs an email from a community member.

I really love the Belfast Flying Shoes notices... ... simple emails with very short text that really get to the point. :)

Emily Addison
Ottawa Contra Dance

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 6:02 PM Keith Holmes <holmes.keith@runbox.com> wrote:


One of the reasons that we started using MailChimp in Houston is because, compared to the program we were using before, MC makes it easier to create a better-looking 'campaign'. Rather than use one of their fancy templates, I modified a simple one for our use. Usually the only image is the group logo.

But if you want a plain text campaign, you can do that: https://mailchimp.com/help/create-a-plain-text-campaign/

- Keith Holmes