Hi Shared Weight organizers,
A quick email about CDSS resources for organizers!
The Fall 2019 issue of Shop Talk marks the first anniversary of CDSS's free
e-newsletter for organizers of traditional dance, music, and song.
The issue includes highlights from this past year. Check it out here:
You can check out past Shop Talk issues and sign up to receive future
issues (FREE) here:
Also in 2018, we launched an Organizers Resource Portal which contains as
many of the best resources for organizers as we could find. You can check
out the portal here:
We’re currently working on expanding the portal to include resources for
callers, dance musicians, song leaders, and more. We’ll be announcing the
launch of those resources through Shop Talk sometime later this fall or
early winter.
Feel free to pass this information onto other organizers in your area if
you think they might be interested.
Emily Addison