Hi fellow organizers...
I've got a question about membership...
1. If you have membership, what are its perks (to the dancer and also to
the wider community if you promote that)
2. If you have membership AND sliding scale at the door, how does that work?
- Our door fee has been $12 regular // $10 members and students // 16
and under free)... .... we also have a seasons pass which includes
membership and is where dancers pay for the whole season in advance
(there's a bit of a discount).
- Membership is $30 (for about 25+ events); we also have sustaining
membership at $50 for those who want to support the organization even more.
- We typically have 80-100 members a year.
- We promote membership as not only a way for dancers to get a $2
discount on each dance and get a cool button but that it's also a way to
really support the organization's work. It allows us to take risks in
programming (family dance series; afternoon dance workshops) and to
strengthen the community in other ways (e.g., musician/caller workshops).
We're thinking of changing our door entry fees and I'd like us to consider
a sliding scale. Maybe something like suggested fee of $12-16, $10 low
income, $6 12-16yrs old... ... also include messaging about the cost of the
dance. BUUUT... it seems like if we do sliding scale, the membership perk
of $2 off/dance is naturally removed.
I'd like to hope that we could keep our 80-100 members if we put the
membership at say $20 and really promoted the the community betterment
piece. But I'm not sure... ... ...
Thoughts? Other member perks to build in that aren't directly $$ related?
With thanks!
Emily with Ottawa Contra