This is terrific! Thanks Lisa!

We'll make good use of this data, since the Flying Board will be updating our public health policy in a couple of weeks as we prepare to move our first Friday dance series indoors for our November dance. 

FYI, since it's not clear in the policy (but is elsewhere on our site): The policy pertains to outdoor dances, which resumed in July. When we resumed programming in February, the policy initially required masks for indoor music events; then, starting in May the policy simply encouraged masks for indoor music events.

It's worth noting that a group of dancers started an alternative monthly series in Belfast, beginning in February, which has had no restrictions. 

Onward together!

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From: Lisa Sieverts via Organizers <>
Sent: Sunday, October 2, 2022 3:25:11 PM
To: A list for dance organizers <>
Subject: [Organizers] Some examples of COVID policies
Hi all,

We at the Monadnock Folklore Society are figuring out our restart and therefore also our COVID policies.

As research, I made a Google Doc with a bunch of different policies from various groups, that I thought were well-worded at the various different levels of restrictions.

Sharing here in case it helps others.

Once we figure ours out, I’ll add it to the list.

If you think your group has a well-worded COVID policy that provides a different nuance from these others, please send me the info and I’ll add it.


Lisa Sieverts
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