Hi organizers,

The "on topic" aspect of this email to the list is I'm trying hard to get good sound out to a ZOOM concert
and how well that works (or doesn't work) may be of interest to dance organizers.
I gave up attending ZOOM and Facebook concerts a long time ago because of bad audio.

This event is a concert fundraiser for Mama Bear, Kim Yerton,
that's being held tomorrow, SUNDAY, August 29th, from 5 to 7:30 PM EST.
The band is Toss the Possum and Friends who are in the Atlanta area for a wedding in Asheville today, Saturday.
Kim will take part via ZOOM for a half hour break from 6 to 6:30.
The ZOOM meeting opens half an hour early and ends half an hour late to allow for some social time.
Yes, you'll be asked to donate and, yes, you'll be told about a silent auction being hosted on Facebook.
But you can join in and not donate or buy a silent auction item if you don't want to.
If you are tied for time, you can pop online for 10 or 15 minutes during one of the two concert hours:
    5 to 6 and 6:30 to 7:30 (PM, EST)
and get a good sense of whether or not we hit the mark with good sound (listen w/ good speakers or headphones!).

The ZOOM meeting information for this Sunday, Aug. 29th, 5 to 7:30 PM EST event is:
Meeting ID: 986 6272 8527
Passcode: 112813
One tap mobile: +14703812552,,98662728527# US (Atlanta)
Limit = 500 participants
Audio ZOOM:

    input channels -> 2 RME Octamic XTC -> Fireface UFX+ interface
    controlled by a dedicated T420s laptop and remotely via tablets
    (to offload the ZOOM computer)

    Fireface UFX+ -> Fireface UCX (over analog for simplicity of wiring)
    controlled by recent model Lenovo T14 AMD which is running ZOOM
    the UCX has a much lower CPU demand, hence it's feeding ZOOM

    Gigabit Internet to hosting house
    all wired, no WiFi, to ZOOM

    ZOOM settings: As per Yale School of Music recommendations
    for quality audio.

Video ZOOM:

    Olympus OM-D EM-1 mk 3 with extra battery handle and AC
    to provide continuous HDMI out for the entire event; 12-40 f2.8 m43 lens
    fluid pan and tilt head
    aluminum case (heat dissipation) HDMI capture unit that
    presents the HDMI as USB WebCam input

Live audio speaker setup (note outdoors, very small group of people):

    The above UFX+ interface feeding RCF TT 08A ii mains
    and an older RCF TT 12 subwoofer.

Re CoViD: Event is hybrid live/ZOOM with vax only and spacing outdoors.
We expect maybe 15 "attendees" and another 10 "workers".
We believe the low number of live attendees is due to our requiring proof of vax
and folks who are vaccinated are more likely to be cautious, etc. (our limit is 25
in person attendees and we're not close to that number).
