The discussion of word clouds reminds me of a flyer I recall
seeing somewhere in California within the last few years, which
used a variant of the word cloud idea. Alas, I can't find a copy
of it and I don't recall who created/published it. Perhaps my
description will ring a bell with some other list member who can
supply more details.
The flyer, as I recall it, had two sets of words, with one set
rotated 180 degrees compared to the other set, so that you could
rotate the flyer to have either set right-side-up and the other
set upside-down. One set of words was in a slanted, script-like
font and included words like "flow(ing)" and "joy(ful)" and
"flirtatious". The other set was in plainer font (Typewriter?
Helvetica?), and it included words that might suggest the more
structured, geometric, or traditional aspects of contra dance.
Each set of words included "Contra Dance" (or maybe it was
"Contradance" or "Contra Dancing is ..." or something) in large
letters of its respective font. I don't recall precisely, but I
suppose there would have been some kind of contact information
somewhere--maybe a URL for the local dance organization's web
site printed sideways in small type in one of the margins. If
memory serves, the copies I saw were on small sheets (1/2 or 1/4
of letter-size) of pastel blue paper.
As I said, I don't recall who produced the flyer. And obviously
I can't say how they'd feel about sharing their design with other
dance organizers.
Is there anyone else here who remembers this flyer and could say
more about it?