I hope folks are doing fairly well. These are certainly interesting times.
Given that some of you attend the annual organizer discussion at the Dance Flurry, I wanted to check in about the focus of this year's session.
I've drafted a description for the session (see below). Do you have any thoughts? I feel as though February might be good time to start talking about how to restart our dance events, even if we don't know when. (The vaccine
rollout is giving me a tentative hopeful feeling that gatherings might start in within the next year.)
Any advice/thoughts are welcome including alternative topics. The only topic I'm wary of tackling are those that relate to when dances should open as I'm not a health expert and we won't be bringing in health experts to be part
of the discussion.
Organizers Unite - Talking about the HOW of restarting our events!
Join our annual Flurry organizers discussion for a unique focus this year... talking about the HOW of restarting our events. Share your thoughts and ideas about how your community plans to restart dancing, re-engage long standing
dancers, and attract new participants.
(We won't focus much on the WHEN of reopening as those decisions depend highlighly on the pandemic and professional health advice.)