Hi fellow Shared Weight organizers,

The February issue of Shop Talk is now out!  (Shop talk is a CDSS e-newsletter for dance, music and song organizers.) View the full issue here:  https://conta.cc/2Ef3WqK

NOTE: If you aren't yet subscribed, I encourage you to join. There is a link at the top of the latest issue.

The February issue includes a number of new resources as well as information about upcoming learning opportunities.  Three highlights are:
  1. A new 'how to' resource on facilitating organizer discussions to help YOU organizer your own organizer discussion at dance weekends/festivals/camps OR on your own stand-alone event.
  2. A collection of inspiring print promotional material from over 50 communities throughout North America.
  3. A link to register for CDSS's next web chat on April 4th.  The topic of the next chat is family and community dances!
Enjoy :)
Emily Addison
Consultant for the Country Dance and Song Society

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