Hi all,

A)  If you were giving advice, about replacing a 45'x55' wooden floor, to the owners of the hall that you and another organization rent about 5x/mo for traditional dancing, but that is also used for things like Bingo and private events, what advice would you give? 
(Wood type, installation methods, ballpark cost, finish suggestions, care/maintenance etc)

B)  If you were giving advice to the two dance groups about how to work with the owners to be sure your interests in a danceable floor are factored into the plans, what advice would you give?

Chrissy Fowler
Belfast ME

PS  I know we might get helpful info from MontpelierVT's Capital City Grangers (& friends of) and GreenfieldMA's Guiding Star Grangers (& friends of).  Any other groups who've relatively recently replaced a floor?