Do you know this caller? I've wanted to dance to her ever since I stumbled across this video snippet:
But I don't travel to dance much these days, and AFAIK she has not been out this way. This is a square, but there's no reason you couldn't do contras this way.

St. Paul MN

On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 10:53 AM, Marie-Michèle Fournier <> wrote:
   As I am one of the organizers (and local callers) for the contra in Montreal this is something I'd like to get into at one point. I have heard several things over the years: that someone was explaining the figures in French but calling in English but also that someone had gone through the trouble or finding translations that worked for some figures. has anyone on this list tried calling in French or if you now someone who has and could put me in contact with them. I'd rather not go through the time of figuring these things out if someone has already done it!
from ContraMontreal

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