Hi Meg & et al :)

Fun question!
I'm guessing you mean for trad dance??? Or is it generally???

Re trad, I've found myself going back to some 'oldies but goodies'.  Not super old mind-you, but not super recent recordings either... 

David Kaynor and Betsy Branch's Midnight in Montague has been a go-to for me of late.  In part thinking about David and all he's done for the trad dance/music community but also because I just love the double fiddle harmonies. Anyone have examples of recordings with really tight and clear fiddle harmonies for dance music?

Another is Eric Merrill's the Western Star....
I really love this album. Not sure if full-dance mode but great trad sound.  I've never heard Eric play... wish I could!

And then for  more recent recordings....
I keep on listening to Eloise & Co, Rachel Bell's solo CD, Buddy System, and Julie Vallimont's solo CD.

:) Emily in Ottawa