Sharing a recent composition honoring one of our local super volunteers...
I love Mad Robins but find contra dancers routinely rush them - so I've
been writing dances that steal a bit of that 8 beat allotment for added
motion to come out dependably square. This has now been successfully called
by myself and one other caller.
Dedicated to Robin Humes – family friend and super volunteer in service of
the Concord Scout House area contra community. It’s only fitting this dance
include a Mad Robin (besides the obvious eponymous link), because Bob
Isaacs’ dance Redbeard Reel (commissioned by Robin for her husband – John
Wasser) features one as well.
When mentioning the title, I think it’s fun to give it proper super hero
intonation: “SUP-er Robin!” 🙂
Super Robin – DI – Don Veino 20170523
Neighbor Gypsy (or Balance) & Swing
Mad Robin CW 1+1/4 (Gents start Forward & Right, to Wave Across, G by LH in
Short Wave Balance Right & Left, Twirl/Slide Right (Ladies Super Twirl
Partner (Balance &) Swing
Circle Left 3/4 to Wave (L by LH in center, facing progression)
Wave Balance Fwd/Back, Dance Fwd to next