Either way is fine with me; I won't know for sure which I like better until I dance it.

Also, I think the balance in the wave might work best forward and back rather than Left and Right. I would like you all to tinker with it to suit your preferences and needs.  And I'd love to know if you call it and how well it works (or doesn't.)

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Morgan via Callers
Sent: Mar 11, 2016 10:56 AM
Cc: Caller's discussion list
Subject: Re: [Callers] Recognize this dance?

As I read that it's a four count allemande, almost a pull by left, to give a 12 count swing. Either option works I suppose.

On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 3:36 PM, Colin Hume via Callers <callers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
On Fri, 11 Mar 2016 08:27:19 -0500, Bree Kalb via Callers wrote:
> B1    Women allmd Left 1/2; Ptr Swg

Bree -

I like the dance, but I would make the allemande left one and a half -
I think that fits the music better.

Colin Hume

Email colin@colinhume.com      Web site http://colinhume.com

Callers mailing list

Bree Kalb, LCSW
301 W. Weaver St.
Carrboro, NC 27510
919-932-6262 ext 216

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