As someone who came to contra from MWSD, here's my list of things that come from MWSD or have that feel:

box circulate
pass the ocean (especially with no balances, especially followed by Swing Thru)
square thru (with no balances) Chris Page's Square Route comes to mind
box the gnat (& swat the flea)
star thru
california twirl
do-si-do 1.25 to a wave
cross trail thru (aka cross trails)
hinge (as in Chris Page's Serendipity, Bob Isaacs' Hinge Binge)

all 8 circulate (Bob Isaacs' 4x4 "Circulate Eight")

Hope that helps!
/Andy Shore

On Sat, Aug 4, 2018 at 12:51 PM, Rachel Shapiro via Callers <> wrote:
Hi all,
I'm in search of contras that have borrowed interesting figures from traditional and modern western square dances. Do you have any favorites you're willing to share? I've got Rang Tang Contra and some dances with Dixie Twirls. Lots with Box the Gnat and Swat the Flea. Any others you love?
Thank you!
Rachel Shapiro Wallace

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