On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 6:08 PM, Maia McCormick via Callers <callers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
Had a busload of beginners at my dance last night and realized I have a hole in my program -- I don't have any good glossary/beginner-friendly dances with a promenade but no chain or RL through. Any suggestions?

A nice one is Promenade Right by Luke Donforth (note: it has a circle right):

Also, some of the dances below can be adapted by changing a right and left thru to a promenade across.

On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 11:42 AM, Alexandra Deis-Lauby <adeislauby@gmail.com> wrote:
I find that there aren’t many dances with a Promenade or RL that are NOT followed by a circle left. When Dancing promenades to circle lefts, I don’t like them as an experienced dancer because they don’t feel good and as a caller I watch new dancers struggle with them because they don’t flow logically unless the dancers correct for it (which one won’t know how to do unless they’ve been dancing a very long time and are attuned to momentum.) 

I agree with your assessment about promenade/right and left thru to circle left.
I find right and left thru or promenade can also often be followed by one of these, which flows better:

- ladies chain (very common)

- left hand star (example: True Grit by Chris Page: http://chrispagecontra.awardspace.us/dances/#true-grit)

- circle right (see above)

- hey, ladies pass right (example: Zoey and Me by Sue Rosen: http://dance.suerosencaller.com/dancedb/view/?title=Zoey+and+Me)

- ladies allemande right (example: A-1 Reel by Chris Weiler: http://caller.chrisweiler.ws/dances.htm#a1reel)

Yoyo Zhou