It may be that the Organizers� List for Shared Weight may have this kind of data.

On Jan 30, 2017, at 12:51 PM, Ron Blechner via Callers <> wrote:

No, I haven't seen statistical analysis of this. Maybe it's worthwhile for this to be polled out to various dances.

Best regards,

On Jan 30, 2017 10:54 AM, "Donna Hunt" <> wrote:
Just getting back to this thread, lots to catch up on.

Jeff and Ron:  You both seem like the statisticians here.  Is there any data that reflects where in the country the LGBTQ gender-free dances are and where the communities that use gender-free terminology are? 

Just curious.

Ron:  When you say that local dances attendance is down is there data about that compared to dances where attendance is not down?  Again, looking for information country wide or even geographic area.

Donna Hunt

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