The Childgrove website has lots of videos. The chestnuts may be good for her and maybe she can pick up some of the contras as well. Because the video is there with the choreography as well she may be able to start picking up the written terminology that she reads as well. You could also point out that some of your dances have youtube links, but they may be more than what she is looking for.
I received this note a couple of days ago. I am not qualified to answer it, but I know there are many people here who could help. I gave her a limited response and offered to help her out with SharedWeight - she asked me to post here for her. You can email her directly or I will forward any posted responses. Thanks, Cary Ravitz
My name is Sr. Mary Joseph and I am Catholic Sister who is very new at
calling dances. I'm not sure if the dances I do know are even contras
technically. I am pretty much working with the families who come here
to Mass and am looking to add to the ten or so dances that they already
know. Here are a few of our dances.
-The Virginia Reel
- The Bridge of Athlone
- Heel & Toe Polka
- Oh Suzanna
I have had success learning dances off a few YouTube videos especially
the set from Mark Geslison and Geoff Groberg. I have a very hard time
deciphering dances that are simply written out on some web sites. If I
knew the jargon a little better, I'm sure that would be a huge
resourse. Right now, I think I need to see it.
Because you have a much better idea about the world of contra dancing/
folk dancing than I do, I was hoping you could point me in the right
direction. Do you know of any websites that have lots of videos of the
dances? I could probably invest in a set of DVD's if I new it was going
to be helpful. Is there someone I could call with my questions?
I unfortunately do not have much time to dedicate to developing this
skill, but I figure a little improvement would be better than none.
Thank you for your time. May God bless you.
Sister Mary Joseph <>