Whilst trawling the archives, I came across Andrea Nettleton's description of a California (or Nevada) Roll:

"Partners take the handy hand, which is the Lady's R, the Gent's L, lift joined hands, the lady curls in toward her partner and walks under while he walks past, to swap, reverse direction, and face New Nbrs.  Not yet proper, they immediately do a Roll Away with a Half Sashay to swap places but continue to face the New Neighbors"

I was fascinated by this idea of this move, so tried it out with some of my more experienced dancers.  They struggled, mostly because the "Nevada Twirl" (reverse California Twirl) is unusual for them, and the subsequent roll away is "the wrong way round".

I still liked the move though, so I thought about doing the easier version (California Twirl and Roll Away).  After a few false starts, I realised that the best way to use it was in a dance where the couples start "the wrong way round", i.e. 1s proper, 2s improper - a formation I know as "Indecent".  So I came up with:

Indecent Proposal, by Jeremy Child
Formation: Indecent (longways duple minor, 2s improper)
A1: Neighbour Dosido & Swing  
A2: Ladies Chain, Ladies pass R shoulder to Start a Hey for 4
B1: Finish the Hey, Partner Swing
B2: Circle Left 3/4, California Twirl & Roll Away across the set

Is this a new dance, or is there something already out there that's similar?
