check these out:
even no. cpls    Becket Reel     keeps everyone dancing
                other double progression Bkts do the same
triplet        David’s #5 has a hey for 6 - friendly to groups with mixed experience
4 people    Billingsdale Pattern by Chip Hendrickson
4 people    Thursday Night by Don Theyken
4 people    X Marks the Spot by Antony Heywood
5 people    Domino Five by David Haynes
5 people    Jack Turn Back/Hot Tub Rag/Cottontail Rag
7 people    H7 by Peter Toxvaerd
7 people    The Weevil
7 experienced people in a high mood had fun with this complex reel to the calling of Kat         DiFoxfire of MO: The Seven Cuckolds by Colin Hume, for 4 ladies and 3 gents
9 people    Stars in the Triangle by Jacob Bloom
9 people    Monkey in the Middle
9 people    Prime Ministers Breakdown
threes        Three Hand Star is a 3f3, and the folks who are out can dance most of the moves
3 cpls        Pull the Lady Through
3 cpls        Right and Left Triplet by Chris Page, goes into circle of couples & back to triplet
5 cpls        Throw a Fiver #4 by Inga Morton
check out Thomas Green’s ‘A Barn Dance Repertoire’ <> ; the variety’s amazing
- his Set Dance list is organized by the number of couples in the formation, from 3 to 8 cpls

have fun!!

On 7/11/15 10:21 AM, Rickey Holt via Callers wrote:

Hi callers, have you any dances for evenings when only a few folks show up, say 10 or 12 or under, other than squares.

Rickey Holt with the summertime low attendance blues

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