David has the right one, thank you! The next question I had was whether the circles got progressively bigger or whether it was always circles of 4. Thanks so much!
On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 11:50 AM, DAVID HARDING<dharding101@comcast.net> wrote:Also known as "California Fruit Basket," or "Ladies Bow, Gents Bow Under" The signature move is the basket swing. Couple 1 visits first Couple 2, then couple 3, then couple 4. Et cetera.
http://www.lloydshaw.org/swing-like-thunder.htmlOn June 14, 2017 at 8:21 AM dje h via Callers <callers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
I'm way out in the boonies teaching square dance to a group of campers, and they asked for a dance called Roll Like Thunder. I did figure out that it's probably a square called Swing Like Thunder, but I'm not having much luck tracking down the actual moves. WiFi is really spotty out here, so I can't watch a video or listen to a recording. Does anyone have this dance in your collection? Thanks for any help.Deborah Hyland_______________________________________________
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