For dances with different roles (active/inactive) run it so the number
of times through roughly equals number of couples so everyone gets
both roles. That could lean to making more sets. In a big venue we
have broken the sets to fit 2 in the length of the hall. Keep an eye
on the clock.. you can check for the top couple coming back to the
top, but if they do something unusual on the far end (switch sets,
partners, or drop out) it can screw you up.
In total our dance typically runs 11-12 dances in 3 hours with a break
plus waltzes at the end of each half.
On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 8:54 PM, Maia McCormick via Callers
<callers(a)> wrote:
Just polling the masses here--how long do you
generally run your dances (in
times through the dance, time take, couples going up and back, etc.)? How
many dances do you generally manage to fit into a 3-hour contra evening?
I've heard different wisdom from different folks and am curious to add some
more data points!
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