<humor>​So to teach you nuclear physics I'm going to start with molecular biology?</humor>  

If they don't know the ricochet hey, they probably won't know the Mad Robin, and you will simply confuse them trying to teach two moves one of which they don't need for this dance.

Also forget pizza's.  Here in Saint Louis pizzas are sliced in squares (grin).

My approach:

Gents look at each other.  Now look at your neighbor.   When I say 'GO' (not now) you will meet in the center and push back to your neighbor's place.
Ladies look at your neighbor.  He is headed for your spot so you'd better move.   When I say GO (not now) ladies move over to your neighbor's empty spot.
Good.  That's half of the move.  Now do it again with the ladies meeting in the center then pushing back to their original spot while the gents move back to their original spot.
Let't the full move one more time all together.  [At speed] Gents to the center and push back, Ladies to the center and push back.
Congratulations you know how to do a ricochet hey.  The next move is....

Dale ​

On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 2:53 PM, Michael Fuerst via Callers <callers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
Except that one should be able to teach  "Mad Robin"  without calling is such
Michael Fuerst      802 N Broadway      Urbana IL 61801      217 239 5844

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:56 AM, John Sweeney via Callers <callers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

Michael Fuerst said, "To me one of the more challenging to describe
succinctly is ricochet heys".

One of the challenges of a Ricochet Hey is the name - it is not actually a
Hey in any sense of the word, though Ricochets mixed with Half Heys do make
pleasing figures.

I have had a few challenges with this as well, but in trying to think of a
way to do it better, I just had a major breakthrough... I think!

I just realised that a Ricochet Hey is actually a Mad Robin in which the
people passing through the middle interact with each other.

So, next time I teach it I am going to try getting the dancers to do a Mad
Robin first then get them to change their path from a rectangle to a pizza
slice and touch hands in the middle.

Does that make sense?

Happy dancing,

John Sweeney, Dancer, England john@modernjive.com 01233 625 362
http://www.contrafusion.co.uk for Dancing in Kent

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