Hello Claire,

Here are two excellent resources.  

New England Dancing Masters offer many books, Cds, and DVDs for Family/Community Dance.  I cannot say enough good about this material.


Marion Rose also has a series of books Called Step Lively.  They have dances and CDs with family friendly dances.
www.communitydance.ca.  Many, but not all, of the dances in this series, are tune specific.  

Youtube is also an excellent series, and I would recommend Cal Campbell's dancing for busy people blog and the BDPLS (Beginner Dance Party Leaders Seminar) channel on youtube.

Have fun,
Stafford, CT

On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 2:14 PM, Claire Takemori via Callers <callers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
I’m a new contra dance caller (took Nils’ workshop at American Week last July).  And my goal is to offer calling for Family dances to help spread folk music/dance in our community. (maybe College contras, but that’s a different thread)
I’m calling my first Family dance on March 6th for a home-school community.   I was hoping to offer a page of INTERESTING , Kid-friendly, FUN info, activities, links in case someone wants to delve further into the history, dance or music.

Any great resources out there?  I don’t have a ton of time to put this together from scrap. And I don’t know enough yet to figure out the history.  I’m learning as I go!

thanks !
Claire Takemori
Bay Area California
Callers mailing list