Thank you all, for your thoughts and discussion, and I do like the name star burst. 

As I'd envisioned it, the path on the floor is very much like a poussette, but the dancers wouldn't be holding hands. It's almost like the tandem turn in a dolphin hey; but with motion up and down the hall. I think of zig-zag when there's lateral movement relative to the direction the dancers are looking, which this doesn't have either. So yeah, it's a blender-mix of a bunch of different stuff. 

I'd be curious to hear more from the square dance callers on the list about the Tag the Line analogy; although I'm unlikely to call it a half-tag. 

The triplet that inspired it will unfortunately probably not see much use. I'll let folks know if I ever successfully (or unsuccessfully) run it. 

I'll see if I can work a star burst into another choreography.

Star Burst Triplet
by: Luke Donforth
Proper triplet, 123->231

A1 -----------
(8) Lines of three, forward and back
(8) Partner Do-si-do
A2 -----------
(8) Lady round two and the gent cut through around 1s above
(8) Gent round two and the lady cut through around 3s below
B1 -----------
(8) 1s & 2s Left hand Star at the top
(8) 2s & 3s Right hand Star at the bottom
B2 -----------
(6) Star-burst: 1s walk to bottom while 2s and 3s make space and move up
(12) partner swing, end facing up

Notes: The B2 star-burst: 2s and 3s make room by continuing their direction out of the star. 
2s curve up and left, slotting into the 1s position
3s curve up and right, slotting into the 2s position
animation of it:

Thanks again all for kicking it around with me.

On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 4:30 PM Luke Donforth <> wrote:
Hi All,

I'm playing around with choreographing triplets, and I've got a sequence that I think would flow well; but I'm not sure how to teach it short of a demo.

The idea is that couples 2 & 3 do a star. Out of that star, they move out, up, and back in; leaving space in the middle for couple 1 to move to the bottom. 

I put together an animation of it:

Is that already a defined move? What would you call it? How would you teach it?

Thanks for your thoughts!


Luke Donforth