I have two methods of demonstrating how much connection will give others a sense of your presence:
1) individually hook the fingertips of your own two hands together, then pull just till it locks and becomes firm.
2) make a big circle and take hands with the joined hands all slightly in front of the bodies, and the elbows all bent. Then I tell them to peel their toes off the ground, so their weight is only on their heels. Suddenly they all need each other and the sense of using the community to mutually hold everyone up is made evident.
I tell them to keep the electricity running through the ring as they put their toes down and circle L then R, and say that every time they have hands, in pairs, in fours, or with the whole room, they need to make that same kind of firm connection, because it's all about making units out of disparate parts.
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My main concern is how to acquire that tension/counterweight in a swing, if you do not lean back.