Oops after the balance the ring you Spin to the right and that puts you with your partner on the side. 

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On Oct 3, 2016, at 6:44 PM, Jerome Grisanti <jerome.grisanti@gmail.com> wrote:


Neither sequence rings a bell, but others on this list have more encyclopedic collections and may answer more fully.

I do wonder about Delish. It appears the B2 swing happens on the gent's side, and presumably so does the B1 swing. But B1 starts with partners across the set from one another, and the description just says balance the ring, partner swing. So does the gent bring his partner to his side? Without explicit direction, the swing might happen in the middle of the set, or indeed on the lady's side (excepting that neither would put dancers in place for the B2). Is there something I'm not picturing?

Wandering Soul looks fun -- I may try it out at my next contra gig.


Jerome Grisanti

"Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it." --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 7:54 PM, Kelseyannehartman@gmail.com via Callers <callers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
Hi! Thank you to all who keep this email stream lively. I wrote these and got to check them out on Saturday (thanks San Francisco dancers) and wondered if they have already been written? 

The Wandering Soul was written for Stuart Kinney's tune of the same name:

Delish by Kelsey Hartman
Duple Improper 
A1: LLFB swing neighbor
A2: R & l thru/courtesy turn then Promenade across 
B1: Balance ring and swing partner
B2: Women Allemande R 1-1/2
Swing neighbor again

Wandering Soul by Kelsey Hartman
(Inspired by Stuart Kinney's tune of the same name)
Duple Improper double progression
In long wavy lines gents facing out:
A1: Box circulate and partner swing
A2: shift left and circle with next neighbors 3/4, swing neighbor
B1: Full hey: ladies pass right to start
B2: ladies Allemande R 1x back to neighbor 
Neighbor Allemande left 1-1/2 to long wavy lines (next neighbor in right)

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