I have it as Rocket City Romp by Cis Hinkle.  Great dance

On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 10:29 PM, Luke Donforth via Callers <callers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
Hello all,

I recently had the pleasure and honor of calling at a weekend with Lisa Greenleaf. I had just called one of my own dances, and then went to call one of Lisa's. After walking it through and announcing it as such, Lisa told me that she didn't write the dance. (She was very gracious about it, and we had a good laugh.)

I had it in my box as Gypsy Moon by Lisa Greenleaf. I'm not sure if it's same title, but different author and I conflated them, or if it's another name entirely. But if anyone recognizes it, I'd like to give credit where it's due.

NOT Gypsy Moon
Type: Contra
Formation: Duple-Improper

A1 -----------
(8) Neighbor Balance Right, pull by, pull by Ptr across set
(8) Neighbor swing
A2 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) Women allemande Right 1-1/2
B1 -----------
(16) Partner balance and swing
B2 -----------
(8) Women's Chain across
(4) Right to Your Partner,  balance Right
(4) pull by Right with Ptr, and left with Neighbor on to the next

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