In Jamaica Plain, MA, the ECD dancers use Window Wall and Clock Wall, rather than left/right file. It is different global terminology, but works very well. I don’t know the history of why these words were chosen, but I could probably find out. The dancers also line up without identifying a partner, as discussed at Brooke’s site. This tradition is really quite lovely. I have had the opportunity to call this dance many times, so the terminology is very second nature to me.
For me, the major challenge with incorporating global language into contra dances has to do with ending the swing. So many contra dances depend on the dancers having learned that the lady/lark/barearm/ruby/right file end on the right.
How do we help completely new dancers learn this?
Do we say “swing your Neighbor and change places”? Swing your Partner and change places”?
I recognize that experienced dancers will know this instinctively; just as many dancers line up and automatically form improper lines at many contra dances.
But I am curious about how callers out there see us helping the new folks, without using any role language at all.