The dance I was alluding to in the other thread was Lisa Greenleaf's "Secret Weapon" which, like a couple of my own compositions, uses a roll to accomplish a ladies swap across a diagonal after a Ring Balance. If the gents Half Sashay, they end up on the wrong side of the set for the next moves. Yes, you could simply substitute a disconnected "Ladies Swap and face back in" here but you'd lose some good stuff:
  1. the ability for the partner to assist (two minds to remember the move, improved timing/timeliness)
  2. fun connected dancing via good weight.
I called Secret Weapon this past Monday at the Scout House, making sure to tell the Gents their job was to stay put and NOT sashay. That direct instruction in the walk through worked great, I didn't have to remind them while calling the dance.


On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 8:15 PM, Maia McCormick via Callers <> wrote:
Can anyone else name/post choreography for any CONTRAS (or 4-face-4s, I suppose... not looking for squares at the moment, though) that include a rollaway without a half-sashay?


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