If the term is to be changed I think there should be agreement as to what the replacement is and not have a  variety of terms.  The health of many contra dance series is very dependent upon new dancers coming and having a good time so they return. There is a big vocabulary to learn and having it not be the same at successive or neighboring dances would add to the confusion.

On Oct 28, 2015, at 3:21 PM, Don Veino via Callers <callers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

Might I suggest at this point there's been enough shared such that folks have figured out where they are on this subject? And, while the discussion has been informative, that further posts will do little to change anyone's beliefs?

If that's accepted, I further suggest we move forward with our own personal belief and act as conscience dictates:
  • Should you wish to continue with the status quo call, then do so and incorporate whatever learning you've taken from this exchange to improve your teaching and leading. Your further experience and learning from dance participants may inform your future view.
  • Should you be motivated to change the term, have a conversation with your dance organizer(s) and try out an alternate call/description, should they be willing - see how it goes. That learning may inform the culture by example.
 I hope we can trust the Folk Process to be robust enough to do its thing in this matter - as it has so many times before.
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