Hi Mary,


1. Practice

I write out the dances in my own words, which are mostly the words that I will use for calling, so I don’t practice the calls much.

I do practice the dance itself if it is challenging.  I try to find videos online and study them to look for timings, awkward transitions, style points, flow, etc.

If necessary I use my Carcassonne Meeples to run through the dance.  I have six couples in different couples and I know that red is #1s, yellow is #2s, etc.

For complex dances, I try dancing the dance to the music to make sure I understand the timing, the transitions and the positioning.  For most dances any tune at the correct speed works.

For complex dances I will dance the dance as #1 Man, then as #1 Lady (and #2s as well if necessary) to understand any challenges that they may face.

For complex situations I may try to work out what words I need to use to get the figures across well, especially when there is a WHILE!


2. Music

I don’t practice the calls to music, I have enough experience to do that on the fly in most cases.  As above, I do practice the dance to music if I need to understand the phrasing better.


3. Program Planning

ONS:  When I get there after setting up the music, while waiting for the dancing to start.

Most other dances: On the day of the dance.

My quarterly ceilidhs: during the week before the dance to look for new dances and plan a varied program different from last time.

Live music: To meet the band’s deadline, anything from a couple of days in advance to a month in advance.  I also document length, speed, style, number of bars, time signature, etc. for the band.  I also let them know if I need any named tunes, but very rarely insist on a specific tune.  I would much rather we dance to a tune that the band can play well, rather than a tune they don’t know just because someone suggested that tune at some point.

Festivals: Weeks in advance so that I am sure it is going to be a good session for the dancers.


            Happy dancing,



John Sweeney, Dancer, England   john@modernjive.com 01233 625 362 & 07802 940 574

http://www.contrafusion.co.uk for Dancing in Kent