_______________________________________________The tease has a partner swing. If you want the ultimate non- partner dance - look at Snake River Reel by Petr LIppincott - it is a very nice dance - except you never have any contact with your partner (also a great tune with the same name - also from Peter)Mac McKeever
St LouisOn Sunday, May 13, 2018, 2:35:20 PM CDT, Rich Sbardella via Callers <callers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:_______________________________________________I cannot recall dancing a modern contra in the last few years that does not include a Partner Swing, so I have a few questions.First, do you call any such modern dances without a partner swing? Why or why not?Second, if you do, do you announce it before the preceding dance so as to inform those pairs of dancer that love to swing together?The Tease by Tom Hinds is one such creative dance that begs to be called.Rich Sbardella,Stafford, CT
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