Butterfly DRAFT 20180410.2 - DI - Don Veino
A1 N Balance & Swing
A2 Gents Allemande Left 1+1/2x (Ladies left arm over P’s right as picked up),
P Star Promenade 1/2x, Butterfly Whirl CCW along set to next Ns*, stay connected with P
B1 Ladies Catch RH, Star Promenade P 1/2x CW, Butterfly Whirl CW into P Swing [on L’s home side]
B2 Ladies Chain, Half Hey (back to THIS N...)

End effects: re-enter in Butterfly hold with P (where/how depends upon answer below)

*Question: I believe the butterfly shift could progress this dance forward (whirl shift to right as face out) or reverse (shift left). I believe reverse progression would flow/feel slightly better but forward progression could be less confusing to dancers - which would be best?

I think if you were going to do a butterfly shift, the counter-clockwise shift would feel a smidge better. 

A concern I have though, is that you're asking couples to butterfly whirl close enough to each other to re-hook for another star promenade. When I think about the butterfly whirl after a star promenade, there's a moment of release where the two couples move away from each other. Bringing that close enough together so that the ladies can catch rights seems to me akin to swinging in the middle of the set. 

It's worth a house-party test; but I'd make sure to do it with at least 12 dancers to get a feel for spacing (which can be hard to get in a house party). 

Good luck.
