Seeing few responses and that you did ask for challenging... 😏 I was on a mission to fit two CC sequences (everyone gets to be active) in one 32-bar dance with the "desired" PNR/NBR swings and this resulted. I believe the sequence is unique?
Will Mentor has called Rev 1 a few times, Rev 2 addresses his observations. The dance originally was Becket CW & started with new GNT/LRK reaching on left diagonal to start the reverse CC - dancers had difficulty with the resulting skew and ended up progressing differing amounts. Noodling on this during a dark highway drive home generated the fractional slice idea to align the action (eureka!) led to this revision.
Note there are many alternate versions in both Becket CW & CCW, varying by:
-the CC being by RH or LH in the center
-which role starts
-slice fraction
-promenade indexing (whom ends opposite) and
-slice or promenade first.
The version below appears to be a good compromise on progression behavior, next hand predictability/flow and end effects - I believe it should be dependably single progression. There's a Becket CW variation which may get its own name, I'll write up the full set before posting the dance(s) as final to my site.
Not heard if Will's tried Rev 2 yet nor had a chance to call it myself in public. Walked it through with dancers on a sideline and that went fine.
Would love to hear should anyone give it a go - feedback welcomed overall.
PS: have other multi-CC 40-bar or systematically/automatically alternating (no need to keep track of actives) 32-bar CC dances drafted. Awaiting an opportunity to at least walk them through before calling/distributing. Or seeking a suitable choreography pen pal/review buddy to look them over & exchange feedback before greater exposure.
Contraventional Corners (DRAFT Rev 2) - Becket RIGHT/CCW Var. - Don Veino 20170117, Rev'd 20190329
A challenging dance not for Contra Corners newbies!
A1 Slice Right 1+1/2x*
(forward on right diag. until NEW GNT/LRK are face to face, fall straight back)
GNT/LRK Turn 1/2x REVERSE Contra Corners
(LH w/NBR1 GNT/LRK Center, RH with NBR1 LDY/RVN)
A2 GNT/LRK Turn 1/2x (finish full) Reverse Contra Corners
(LH w/NBR1 GNT/LRK Center, RH with NBR2 LDY/RVN)
(end facing back along side to)
NBR1 Swing
B1 NBR1 Promenade Across (Pass PNR & Opp Role NBR1 by Left) w/tight Courtesy Turn to face back
(ends w/LDY/RVN from NBR1 pairs directly opposite each other, a la the GNT/LRKs in A1 Slice)
LDY/RVN Turn 1/2x Contra Corners
(RH w/NBR1 LDY/RVN, LH with PNR)
B2 LDY/RVN Turn 1/2x (finish full) Contra Corners
(RH w/NBR1 LDY/RVN, LH with Shadow)
(end facing back along side to)
PNR Swing
*Slice in 1/2x increments puts same role dancers opposite. First time through could be Slice 1/2x so original foursome GNT/LRK face & start the A1 CC (using some ghost corners - e.g. for GNT2 and LDY2 at the top) & swing with the original NBRs.