Peter Foster (Australia!) has a good Becket dance for
beginners although I'm not sure he's named it.
Star Right; star left
A2 Pass thru across the set and swing
partners to face down
B1 Down the hall as couples (4 in line)
turn as couple and return to face across
B2 Long lines
forward and back; half promenade and wheel right to face new couple
Barrie bullimore
Thanks all.
I continue to turn this one
over in my head, and I think I've got a new one (borrowing heavily from
Bob Isaac's To Turn a Phrase and the star-to-star transition of
Mick Richardson's Star Trek)
Star Trek
by Luke Donforth
A1 -----------
Left hand Star
(8) Whole set oval right
A2 -----------
whole set oval Left
(8) Groups of 4 Circle Left 1X
B1 -----------
Partner Do-si-do
(8) Partner swing
B2 -----------
(8) Long
lines, forward and back
(8) Left hand Star 1x, walk on to next star