
Apart from dances like Bridge of Athlone, I just include Going Down the Coal Mine in my Grand March/Appalachian Big Set:


Head Couple turn Back, go down in the Coal Mine, Down, Down, Down! The leader/caller and his partner drop hands, spin around in place to face back along the line of promenading couples, who raise their joined nearest hands up shoulder high to form the roof of the tunnel in the coal mine. The lead couple joins inside hands and bows down to pass under the line of clasped inside hands. The next couple follows suit immediately they can. This keeps up till all have gone down in the coal mine. As soon as the lead couple get to the end of the tunnel they stand and spin back, then clasp inside hands to form part of the tunnel roof, followed by successive couples in turn. When the lead couple pass the last couple ducking down they resume the normal promenade. Following couples do the same until all couples are promenading.


From https://squaredancehistory.org/items/show/656


            Happy dancing,



John Sweeney, Dancer, England   john@modernjive.com 01233 625 362 & 07802 940 574

http://www.contrafusion.co.uk for Dancing in Kent