I came up with this one for a particular gig. Given the simplicity it was probably already written - if so I'd like to give proper credit. Please let me know.


Shortly before calling the Santa Fe NM dance last month I was informed that a group of 20+ international students who’d never done contra were planning on attending (turned out to be ~60% of the attendees at the start). In planning my program I realized the existing mixers in my deck were either too risky for those folks or too simple for the regulars. I wanted something that would build on the sequence of moves introduced in my teaching plan (which factored in language challenge) so I came up with the following. It worked out well with that group.

Trip to Santa Fe – Circle Mixer – Don Veino 20170622

Into the Center and Back
Circle Left

Circle Right
Partner Dosido (and turn away from P)
[so Gents look CW, Ladies CCW]

Neighbor Balance and Swing

(new) Partner Promenade
