It depends.

For a club programme I start about a week ahead (to allow for failing concentration).  Sort out a varied programme with plenty options if I need an easier dance or numbers are a problem (I don’t always call longways or contras, a mix of shapes and styles)

If it’s a dance I don’t call regularly I practise to the CD track I’m going to use (unless it’s a track the club has but I don’t then I use another track). Practise till I can get my calls out in time to the music, know what I need to say (for that group) both as walk-through and prompt, can almost call without the card.

If it’s a one-off dance with a band I often work with I have a bunch of dances I can call from memory, though if I haven’t called recently for that kind of group(e.g. a Burns night, Sealed Knot etc) I might type out a set list + necessary prompts. A new band needs consultation and listening to their online tracks.


From: Mary Collins via Contra Callers
Sent: 01 January 2024 15:12
To: Shared Weight Contra Callers
Subject: [Callers] Practicing dances


Researching a discussion I had with a fellow organizer. 


As a caller, newbie, experienced, old hat experienced: 

1. how often do you practice calling dances, esp new to you dances? 

2. Do you practice to music?

3. How far in advance do you set and work through your program?


Thanks for any and all input.


Mary Collins

Fanklinville/Olean NY