Hi Jeff,
The statement is not, “If you are low on numbers use 3x3s”. The statement is: Have dances for every possible number of dancers in your kit-bag so that everyone is dancing.
I work with small groups so I have all sorts of fun dances in every possible formation and for any number of dances. I often don’t select the dance until I see how many people have got up. Sometimes I choose a dance that will fit the numbers, then someone says that they need a rest; I just change the dance to accommodate the number of dancers on the floor. I can dance and call at the same time (wireless head mike!) so I can join in if we are one short. See http://contrafusion.co.uk/Formations.html for some ideas for different numbers.
Happy dancing,
John Sweeney, Dancer, England john@modernjive.com 01233 625 362 & 07802 940 574
http://contrafusion.co.uk/KentCeilidhs.html for Live Music Ceilidhs
http://www.contrafusion.co.uk for Dancing in Kent
http://www.modernjive.com for Modern Jive DVDs
From: Jeff Kaufman via Contra Callers <contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net>
Sent: 25 October 2022 13:19
To: Mary Collins <nativedae@gmail.com>
Cc: Contra Callers <contracallers@sharedweight.net>
Subject: [Callers] Re: Short contra lines
Like Chris, I'm also confused about how this helps with low dancer numbers. I also don't see how 4x4 or 3x3 help, since if you only have enough people for a single line those formations mean more people are out?