There are many, many 2-couple English Country Dances. I have successfully run a whole program with just 3 other dancers and myself as caller. "Thank this partner and ask another" gets interesting.

Michael Barraclough


On Tue, 2016-10-04 at 12:09 -0700, QuiAnn2 via Callers wrote:
I recently called at a contra dance where we had exactly 6 dancers for almost the entire evening (one joined us later but only occasionally danced). This was unexpected as they usually have attendance in the 12-20 range. I was able to piece together a night of mixers, triplets, and oddball dances to make it work and the dancers were game for anything so it ended up being a fun night. But it got me thinking about what to do if only 4 dancers came to a dance (meaning even if I jumped in, we would only have 5 total dancers). In order to be better prepared for next time, I have a couple of questions.

1) Do you have any dances you can share that would work for 4 or 5 dancers? Or also dances for 6 dancers that are not triplets (have plenty of triplets). I have already collected Do-Si-3 and Haste to the Divorce, both of which I modified so that they would not progress.
2) Could a whole evening (3 hours) of dance be put together for just 4-5 dancers?
3) What preparation can be done by me in advance to help with this situation? It’s possible to talk with the organizer in advance about canceling the dance if only 4 or 5 dancers show up, however, this particular dance is a 75 minute drive one-way and I’d prefer to avoid the round trip if there won’t be enough dancers. For various reasons, any dance promoting that I do myself would be largely ineffective for this particular dance.

Would love to hear about any ideas you can share. Thanks!

Jacqui Grennan
Callers mailing list